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The Pros and Cons of Remote Work

The Pros and Cons of Remote Work


A casual chat at a bar changed the way I look at business forever. Let me share it with you.

I was at a bar around nine o’clock, started chatting with the bartender.

I asked her about the bar and how well it was doing.

She told me about her earnings: $250, $380, $420 on different nights.

Not bad, right?

But then she said, “This is my second job.”

I asked her what else she did.

She listed her duties and how she managed her time.

She said she’d be up until two in the morning but could check in remotely.

She even joked about taking a morning nap while her bosses thought she was working.

As a business owner, this conversation got me thinking.

Managing remote workers is a lot like handing someone the keys to a car.

You need to trust they can handle it.

Remote work is great, but it needs trust, discipline, and the right skills from both sides.

Here’s the thing: not everyone can handle remote work.

Finding trustworthy people is rare.

I’m lucky to have some on my team, and I’m grateful for them.

But I also see many people who might struggle with this setup.

This chat reminded me of the balance needed for remote work:

You need to trust without micromanaging.

Give autonomy but ensure accountability.

The bartender’s story showed me the broader trend and its challenges.

So, what does this mean for you?

Whether you’re running a business, managing a team, or growing your career, remember these points.

Trust your team, but choose the right people.

Create a culture where remote work can thrive, but keep accountability and discipline in mind.

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